Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice (IJSWEP)

By : Prof.(Dr.) Sanjoy Roy
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Author Of The Book

Prof.(Dr.) Sanjoy Roy

Prof. Sanjoy Roy is Head, Department of Social Work, University of Delhi and additionally holding the post of Director of Institute of Lifelong Learning (ILLL) and Chairperson of Kalindi College, University of Delhi. He has completed two major research projects in the area of social work, social justice, and development and currently leading 4 projects research studies,  sponsored by Academic entrepreneurs institutions and currently leading 4 research studies sponsored by Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR), Delhi Government and he has authored 14 books, over 85 research papers, and founded the Journal of Social Work. Prof. Roy has conducted more than 20 national seminars, supervised over 13 PhDs, serving as reviewer of 5 journals and other administrative positions in reputed national and international organizations.

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